Legal Case Management System for Winston Solicitors

Why Winston Solicitors chose InTouch as their case management system to help them deliver a better client experience.

Why Winston Solicitors chose InTouch as their case management system to help them deliver a better client experience.

Winston Solicitors LLP, is an established Leeds Law firm, providing a complete range of services for individuals and businesses.

We spoke to Camilla Asher practice manager of Winston Solicitors to find out why they chose to replace their existing case management system with InTouch.

What prompted you to seek InTouch’s services. What situation or problem did you need to solve?

Our current case management system was coming to an end of life. InTouch offered a new modern approach with an adaptable and user-friendly interface.

How has Winston Solicitors benefited from working with InTouch?

  1. Positive client feedback regarding the interactive client portal
  2. Ability to redesign further workflows for all areas of law
  3. The conveyancing team have noticed a reduction in phone calls from clients, Estate Agents and Referrers, as InTouch generates automatic updates.

What are the two most significant improvements that have resulted from your work with InTouch?

  1. Workflows that are simple, effective and easy to amend
  2. Interactive Client portal

What exactly did InTouch do to contribute to the outcome you wanted?

InTouch provided an alternative and modern case management system. The system is easy to adapt to fit all areas of law.

What are the results of working with InTouch?

InTouch offers a modern way of practice. The ability to send emails and text messages from a template saved on the system, saves the staff a lot of time.

Describe why you feel that working with InTouch has been successful

The team respond positively and quickly to any recommendations for change. An example being the introduction of time recording functionality.

If a potential client was on the fence about whether to work with InTouch or not, What would you say to them?

Yes! We receive lots of positive comments from Clients about the interactive portal.