Conveyancing Case Management System at Evolve Law

Explore why conveyancing specialist Evolve Law chose InTouch as their case management system provider

Explore why conveyancing specialist Evolve Law chose InTouch as their case management system provider

Evolve Law is an exciting law firm offering first class residential conveyancing services to it’s clients. InTouch were excited to take on Evolve Law as they are keen to embrace technology and provide the best service possible to their clients. With one of their mottos being “be proactive and not reactive”, we knew that Evolve Law and InTouch would be the perfect fit.

We asked Marc Lansdell, Director of Evolve Law numerous questions about why he chose InTouch as their case management system, how he and his team are finding it compared to their old system and if they would recommend InTouch to other conveyancing firms.

What prompted you to seek InTouch’s services. What situation or problem did you need to solve?

As a business we were struggling with our case management system which had become slow and difficult to use.

We also felt that we were not getting the support we needed from the supplier to bring the system to a place where we felt happy with it. We therefore made the decision to look at the market to see what other solutions were out there. Having met Marvin a number of years ago I was intrigued by his vision for what a CMS should do and how InTouch had developed since we first met.

How has Evolve Law benefited from working with InTouch?

InTouch has been a breath of fresh air for us.

The system is very easy to use from all levels and delivers on all the promises made by Marvin and his team.

Whilst is it difficult to quantify I would estimate that our call and email volumes have dropped around 35% since we have implemented the new system due to its fantastic online tracking and updates. Not only does the system show the client what has been done but also explains to them what this actually means in practice.

What are the two most significant improvements that have resulted from your work with InTouch?

Our call volumes have dropped significantly, and our transaction times have dropped due to us having more time to spend on the legal work we are being paid to do.

What exactly did InTouch do to contribute to the outcome you wanted?

Working with the guys at InTouch is a real pleasure. They are always available and on hand to help with any queries we have and have visited when required to spend the day going through the system and any changes we may want to make. Marvin and Dale understand the process and stresses we are under and this is reflected in the way they do business and how their system has developed.

What are the results of working with InTouch?

Brilliant! Our clients and the agents we deal with love it and so do our staff.

Describe why you feel that working with InTouch has been successful

We feel that we have a real partnership with InTouch and that they are genuinely keen to work with us to help us improve what we do alongside improving their system. Development requests are looked at and acted on quickly which is unique in their industry. We have every confidence that the system will continue to improve and we are excited to be able to pass on the benefits to our clients.

If a potential client was on the fence about whether to work with InTouch or not, What would you say to them?

Try it! We ran InTouch alongside our existing case management system and was blown away by the difference… what also saved ourselves quite a lot of money each month due to InTouch’s pricing model. The team are friendly, accommodating and keen to work with you to grow your business.

“We have no regrets whatsoever about changing and would urge others to take a look at what InTouch can do” - Marc Lansdell, Director.